Monday, April 28, 2014

The latest series obsession

Hey guys,
I have finally jumped on the throne...All pun intended... The Game of Thrones. I don't have the channel HBO, However I do have Netflix :D
           In between my newest read, Human Elements (I will be doing a review blog on the book with pictures and the link to check it out etc tomorrow.)
Everyone that i know has seen and said SOMETHING about the show, soo...
We, my mom and I , decided we would see for our selves what the big deal was..

Here are a couple of my views so far:
1. It's a really sexuality harsh show. I can see why it isn't on normal TV. So, having little kids watch it might not be a good thing.. you'd be closing their eyes often!
2. It's a really good show
3. I'm hooked already and I am in 6 episodes waiting for Netflix to send me 3 more discs.

           Another thing i really like about it is that its as realistic as normal actions can get in a fake setting. No Disney happy ending. Which breaks my heart at times,but its suspenseful 
          I'm really excited to see what happens. Of course since I haven't seen but 6 episodes, my opinions may change deeper into the series..
But, so far, two thumbs up from this girl via someone else's hands!
Who else has seen the show?
Do you guys have any comments on it?

Looking for a good read?

In my last post, i mentioned a book i would be doing a review on,
Human Elements. 
                            Normally, I'm not big on reading single books because I get lost afterwards. Like what to do with my life. And if any of you are like that, or not, you're going to love what I have to say next..
                            I emailed the author (btw I loved that Max Well was my last name... long lost relative of my ancestors???) And she/he said they are working on making the series!! I'm so excited and am going to buy however many come out.

                           But on to the book. I'm giving a brief and generalized review because it is a book I loved and want all of you to experience for yourself!! It has a great premise and the magical side to life. Abby, caprice, brielle, and Gail against a great power and Dorian (total hunk), troy, Bonita and Tara.
 Here's the link ---》
P.s-The cover is totally awesome
Check it out and let me know what you guys think!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Skin skin skin

Hey guys,
                              Another thing to know about me is that I am allergic to Fluoride. I know how random right.. and its only in one area around my face. ( under nose on skin above my upper lip and spread down around my mouth to my upper chin. It was HORRIBLE). No makeup would fully hid it because it was so dry and weird looking.
                               At first I had no idea what it was, I though maybe I was just breaking out really bad. But it wasn't like a pimple, it was a dry rash like thing. So gross and I felt really insecure about it. Soooooooo,  I of course went to a dermatologist to check it out and that's when they told me it's sort of rare - ish and there wasn't a lot of research on it.
                              Until now, I never realized how much fluoride is in my daily routine. It's in our water, toothpastes, face washes, and more. So I had to completely change my daily routine around. And now to the reason of my post...........
                             THIS is when I found a really good face wash ( it really isn't a wash per say since it doesn't involve soap and water). 

It contains 3 things :
1. Peroxide
2. Witch hazel
3. Alcohol (not the drinking kind)

                              And that's all there is; it's completely chemical free, it doesn't take wicked long to make, and it works! I apply it like nail polish remover ( dumping the bottle onto a cotton ball and apply to area)
The first couple of weeks I had to let me skin get use to it and had to use it and wash my face not including the area. But now I've been using it for about 8 months and haven't "washed my face"!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This is me and am ever changing

Hey guys,
So i am new to this whole blogging thing but i've seen it everywhere and have always wanted to start one. And i finally have. 
I figured what better way to start off than a post about myself, to let you guys know a little about me. 
My name is Meghan Maxwell, and I am 17.
I'm graduating in June, and am so excited to begin my life outside of high school. who's with me right?
Is anyone else graduating C/O '14?
I have moved 6 times and am getting ready for another. So you can say I adapt to my surroundings 
I am deciding that i am too young to just let life pass me by and what better time to start my bucket list..
I have a cat and a dog, Midnite and Max. I absolutely love love love animals. 
We got Max at an ASPCA (totally support it) and his name there was Maxwell, so it was history after that. He is a total teddy bear sized beast :) 
Midnite was born to a family friends cat and i was so excited to get him, he was so tiny. 
He is about 8 years old, and loves the game hide and seek. 
And i love ALL kinds of music 
Uhm, i think this is about it 
Do you have anything exciting going on now that your just dying to tell :D